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terms and conditions



1. Submission of a Border Bears Dog Care (BBDC) Booking Form will confirm the owner/s acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and their desire to progress with a Booking.


2. Bookings are not confirmed until receipt of the Booking Form has been acknowledged by BBDC and the 50% deposit has been paid. All monies must be paid by Bank Transfer or Cash.


3. The remaining 50% balance will be requested by BBDC 7 days prior to your dog/s board (or immediately for short notice bookings) and must have been received by BBDC no later than 48 hours prior to commencement of the Booking. Should the balance not be received the booking will be cancelled and you will owe the balance payment. Until the balance payment has been received the board cannot go ahead.


4. Cancellations must be notified to BBDC in writing within 24 hours of the submission of the Booking Form. Deposits are non-refundable unless the booking is canceled within 24hrs of the submission of the Booking Form. Should you cancel within 28 days of the start of your dog/s board then our cancellation policy is as follows: 

28 days - 15 days notice / 50% of the remaining balance is payable

14 days - 8 days notice / 75% of the remaining balance is payable

7 days - 1 days notice / 90% of the remaining balance is payable

0 days notice / 100% payable. 


The cancellation of your booking for any reason (inc. Covid related) does not entitle you to a refund if we are able to provide our service. We recommend ensuring you have taken out suitable insurance to cover this.


5. You agree to provide full and detailed information in the Booking Form about your dog/s. During your continued use of BBDC services you agree to keep us informed of any changes to your dog/s Booking Form.


6. All dogs must be up to date with their vaccinations, worming, tick and flea treatments. You must provide the carer with the vaccination booklet at the start of each board. You further agree to deliver you dog in a clean condition.


7. All dogs must be micro-chipped and the microchip number must be supplied to BBDC for a board to commence.


8. Your agreement with BBDC is based upon a mutually satisfactory Registration Meeting taking place at our home prior to the board. Booking Forms may be submitted prior to this meeting and confirmed afterwards or any time after the meeting.


9. In the event of any emergency where we are unable to proceed with the board we will endeavour to transfer the board to another similar organisation, with your permission. We reserve the right at our discretion to cancel the booking and refund your deposit without any liability to BBDC.


10. We are unable to accept dogs with aggression problems towards other dogs or people and subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.


11. We are happy to accept bookings for unspayed bitches of 8 months or less only.  If you believe your dog is due into season during her board you must inform us at the time of booking and we may have to decline the booking. 


12. We are happy to accept entire males, providing they are not aggressive towards other dogs and are ‘clean’ in the house.


13. You agree to supply enough food for the duration of your dog/s board plus water and food bowls, bedding, lead and any toys which will help your dog to settle. If insufficient food is supplied at the start of the board you agree to refund the carer or BBDC costs incurred purchasing more food.


14. If your dog causes damage to our home or belongings, other than reasonable tear and wear, you agree to reimburse any reasonable cost incurred following production of a quotation to make good the damage or replace the item.


15. If you collect your dog before the confirmed end date of the board you will not receive a refund.


16. If your dog is aggressive, bites or is destructive during its board it will be moved to a kennel and a transfer fee of £20.00 will be payable by yourself upon your return. There will be no refund of the boarding fees you have paid to BBDC and any additional fees charged by the kennels will be payable by you.


17. The emergency contact you supply on the Booking Form must be someone available in the UK whilst you are on holiday who will be able to act on your behalf should we not be able to reach you and potentially collect your dog in the unlikely event that the need should arise.


18. BBDC will use all care to ensure the happiness, safety and welfare of your dog/s. If however your dog becomes unwell or has an accident during his board we will take him to a Veterinary Surgery. You agree to be responsible for payment of veterinary fees incurred upon your return. We do recommend that your dog is insured against sickness, accident, injury and third party liability prior to the start of the board. The Booking Form gives us authorisation to take your dog/s to the Veterinary Surgery, including for treatment for external parasites, if necessary, whilst also confirming you will either reimburse the carer or BBDC any fees or pay the Veterinary Surgery directly, which-ever applies.


19. It is BBDC policy to exercise all dogs on a lead, through experience we have found this to be in the best interests of the dog. However, if you would prefer your dog exercised off lead you will be required to complete an Off Lead Authorisation Form at the Registration Meeting, under which you accept responsibility for third party liability and agree that your dog/s is insured (including third party liability cover). In the event of your dog not being insured at the start of the board we reserve the right to exercise your dog on a lead only. 


20. Although we make every effort to ensure your dog/s is cared for to our usual high standards we cannot be liable for loss, injury or death.


21. Photos taken of your dog/s during the board will be the property of BBDC and the carer and may be shared on our website and social media sites. Should you not wish for your dog’s photos to be shared please let us know. Please note no details of your dogs exact holiday location will be given out, the security of dogs is paramount.


22. The Owner is responsible for the adequate grooming of their pet prior to their arrival at BBDC however should any “matting” or foreign bodies be discovered within the animal’s coat during the course of the animal’s stay BBDC reserve the right to remove the problem as sympathetically as possible.


23. In the event of a catastrophe or life threatening injury to a guest dog every effort will be made to contact the owner, the nominated emergency contact and the owner’s Veterinary Surgery first. Should none of these be available or possible BBDC will contact their own Veterinary Surgery. Should euthanasia be recommended by the said Veterinary Surgery you authorise BBDC to act in your pet’s best interest once attempts have been made to seek your own approval within the available time-span.


Printable Terms and Conditions.pdf
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